Australian Plastics History
A history of plastic manufacturing in Australia
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Kitchenware Manufacturers A-B
Ampac Pty Ltd
Associated Plastics Pty Ltd/ Aladdin Industries : Kristaware
Atlas Plastics Ltd: Polyware
Australian Consolidated Industries Ltd: Garnite
Australian Moulding Corporation Pty Ltd / Moulded Products (Australasia) Ltd
Saxon Ware
BIPA Plastics Pty Ltd
Brian Davis & Co: Decor
British Xylonite (Aust) Pty ltd /B.X. Plastics: Bex, Bexyl, Capri
Bristo Plastics / Century Industries Ltd: Bristolite
British Plastics Pty Ltd/Michael Bayley(Aust) Ltd: Ornamin, Hostess Housewares
Kitchenware Manufacturers C-I
Commonwealth Moulding Pty Ltd: Marquis
Dalson Products Pty Ltd: Dalsonware
Die Casters Pty Ltd: Kingsley-ware
Eon Plastics/Prestige Group (Aust) Pty. Ltd: Eon Ware
Ferolux Products: Ferolux
Gambit Ware
Haxby Brothers: Haxby Ware
Helio Plastics Pty Ltd: Helix
Industrial Plastics Ltd/Iplex Plastics Industries
Kitchenware Manufacturers J-P
J. Wipfli Plastics Co Pty Ltd
L & I Glenn Pty Ltd/ Glensunite Plastics: Glensunite
M & L Plastics
Malbren Plastics Co/Tamco: Malbren, Holywood
Middow Bros & Co Ltd: Tigerware
Moldex Ltd/Moldex Injection Plastics Ltd: Moldex
Nally Ltd: Royal Nally Ware, Nally
Newlyne Manufacturing Co
Pierwood Plastics Ltd: Fethalite/ Gayware
Precision Plastics Pty Ltd
Presgrove Engineering Pty Ltd: Presgrove
Kitchenware Manufacturers Q-T
Rainsford Ltd: Rainsford, Twinco
R. K. Products
Ross Plastics Pty Ltd
Sellex Pty Ltd: Sellex
Shannon Designs
Snaith Industries Pty Ltd: Huro
Sydenham Products: Frescoware
Tilley Plastics
Tupperware of Australia Ltd: Tupperware
Kitchenware Manufacturers U-Z
Walter Barr Pty Ltd: Clear-Vue
Welmaid Plastics Pty Ltd
Willow Ware Pty Ltd: Willow
Other Plastic Makers/Brands
Kitchenware Manufacturers U-Z